Lion’s Mane and Mental Health: A Natural Approach to Anxiety and Depression

Lion’s Mane and Mental Health: A Natural Approach to Anxiety and Depression

Did you know that over 264 million people worldwide suffer from depression? With mental health issues on the rise, many are seeking natural remedies for relief.
One such natural remedy gaining popularity is Lion’s Mane mushroom, renowned for its potential cognitive and neurological benefits.
In this blog, we will delve into the science behind Lion’s Mane and how it can be a natural ally in combating anxiety and depression.

Understanding Anxiety and Depression

Firstly, what is Anxiety and Depression?

Anxiety is characterized by excessive worry and fear that can manifest in physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, and restlessness.

Depression is marked by persistent sadness, lack of interest in daily activities, changes in appetite, and sleep disturbances.

Impact on Daily Life

These conditions can disrupt daily routines, affect relationships, and significantly diminish the quality of life.

Anxiety and depression can lead to decreased productivity at work or school, strained relationships with family and friends, and a general decline in physical health.

Current Treatments

While medications like antidepressants and anxiolytics, along with therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), are common treatments, they can have side effects and may not work for everyone.

These side effects can include weight gain, sexual dysfunction, and in some cases, an increased risk of suicidal thoughts.


The Science Behind Lion’s Mane

Introduction to Lion’s Mane

Lion’s Mane, also known as Hericium erinaceus, is a medicinal mushroom used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.

It’s recognized by its unique appearance, resembling the mane of a lion. Traditionally, it has been used to enhance cognitive function and overall health.

Bioactive Compounds

Lion’s Mane contains compounds like hericenones and erinacines, which are believed to stimulate nerve growth factor (NGF) production.

NGF is crucial for the growth, maintenance, and survival of nerve cells (neurons), which are vital for cognitive functions.

Neuroprotective Properties

Research suggests that Lion’s Mane may promote neurogenesis, the process by which new neurons are formed in the brain.

Studies have shown that these mushrooms can improve cognitive function and protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.


Lion’s Mane and Anxiety

Mechanisms of Action

Lion’s Mane’s anti-inflammatory properties and ability to enhance brain function may help reduce anxiety symptoms. Inflammation in the brain is linked to various mental health conditions, including anxiety. By reducing this inflammation, Lion’s Mane can help create a more stable mood environment.

Research and Studies

A 2010 study conducted in Japan found that women who consumed Lion’s Mane cookies for four weeks reported lower levels of anxiety and irritation compared to those who did not. This suggests that even short-term use of Lion’s Mane can have beneficial effects on anxiety. Source


Lion’s Mane and Depression

Mechanisms of Action

Lion’s Mane may help alleviate depression by enhancing cognitive function and reducing inflammation in the brain. 

It’s believed to increase the levels of NGF, which supports neuron health and can lead to improved mood and cognitive function.

Research and Studies

A 2015 study conducted on mice indicated that Lion’s Mane supplementation improved symptoms of depression.

The study suggested that the mushroom's ability to regenerate brain cells and improve brain function could be key to its antidepressant effects. Source


How to Incorporate Lion’s Mane into Your Routine

Supplement Forms

Lion’s Mane is available in various forms, including capsules, powders, and teas, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Capsules are convenient for those who prefer a quick, no-fuss method, while powders can be added to smoothies, coffee, or recipes.

Dosage and Usage Tips

For anxiety and depression, a common dosage ranges from 500 to 3000 mg per day. It’s best to start with a lower dose to see how your body reacts and then gradually increase it if necessary. Always consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage for your needs.

What to look for in a lions mane supplement

- The supplement consists of the mycelium AND the Fruiting Body (the part of the mushroom with the most bioactive compounds)

- The Dosage aligns with your needs, the best lions mane supplements have split dosages. Most serving sizes are 1000mg but if the supplement serving size is 2 capsules, this means you can start on a lower dose of 500mg

- GMP certified. This means Good Manufacturing Practices, if a brand has this, it means the product is actually what is stated on the label, no low quality, fake ingredients, no poor hygeinic producion. simply put GMP certified = very high quality. Unfortunatley not all brands have this so you dont know whats truly in it.

So where do you find a lions mane supplement with all these features? Our supplement ticks all of the boxes, full spectrum extract, split dosage and GMP certified. (we will Happily send the certificate if you would like proof).

For more info click here



Lion’s Mane shows promise in supporting mental health by alleviating anxiety and depression through its neuroprotective properties, ability to reduce inflammation, and enhancement of cognitive function.

If you're struggling with anxiety or depression, exploring natural options like Lion’s Mane could be a valuable addition to your wellness journey. Combined with other treatments, it may offer a holistic approach to improving mental health.


A Message of Support

If you find yourself battling with depression or anxiety, remember that help is always available. Please reach out to a mental health professional or counsellor for support.

In addition to seeking help, maintaining a consistent routine, focusing on self-improvement, and incorporating activities like exercise can contribute positively to your well-being.

Remember, the harder the ball hits the ground, the higher it bounces.

Tomorrow is always a new day, offering a fresh chance to make positive changes in your life.

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